Brand, meet design.
We are powerful storytellers, and from that story, we design brands from the ground-up. We specialize in messaging, brand strategy, brand narratives, naming, presentations, logo design, collateral, and modern websites. We work for B2B companies doing novel things for people, planet, and prosperity.

We exist to help grow brands that are doing good things in the world.

We are an uncommon team of branders, strategists, storytellers, creatives, designers, coders, and producers --led by Jane Lalonde, in a hub and spoke model.

Based in Delray Beach, FL and Silicon Valley, CA, Jane and her teams tackle a variety of things, but are rooted in sustainability and science. Verticals include: decarbonization, renewable energy, electrification, biotech, biometrics, conservation, global causes, and foodtech.

Jane also currently serves as a plug-in chief marketing officer (cmo) on demand for several start-ups that include Blue Evolution, Biocube Sanjose, Lokl Energy, Concert vdc, Otto aviation.

SEE success stories

Our teams help commercialize bold things.

Est. in 2004, Match Design is an award-winning branding and design agency and is the parent organization for Match CMO, a plug + play GIG model offering executive-level "branding gurus" on a fractional basis.

From bite-sized to big, we work within a range of budgets and retainer levels.
Our team leads work remotely and across all time zones. Jane Lalonde is the primary chief marketing officer/ and creative director for Match.

"Jane is a nightmare to her competition. A real rock star."

--Matt EVP@ Edelman PR (DT Capital Project)


We have helped our clients grow more than $18B in capital, acquisitions, and IPOs. We tend to work with start-ups incubators spin-offs, and companies that believe in the value and quality of their brands.



We believe a brand belongs to the people who experience it. That's why everything we do, is through the lens of your customer. To help connect with your customers, we have a four-fold approach that starts with research and ends with design and tactical delivery.


Our research process starts with soaking up your world, shining a light, and then connecting the dots. We will question, challenge, scorecard, brainstorm, research, and lay down a fresh foundation for your strategy, voice, and visual ID. We are voracious readers who love the latest metrics and we'll kick things off with a deep dive so intense, you'll leave feeling full.

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Be bold, yet simple. No one has time for your bits and bytes. Your products are made in a factory. Your code lives on a cloud. But brands are created in the mind. Emotional, sticky, remarkable, and We believe playing it safe is a flawed strategy because boring is invisible. Our strategic playbook helps breathe life into your brand strategy and frame ideas concisely that are human, helpful, and honest. We will help strategically define your vision, mission, tone, values, and more.



We believe there is beauty when something works intuitively, so we believe that good design is about being simple, human, and understanding the way people behave. It's about seeing through their eyes and the people they touch. We tend to be minimalists who design out complexities, value white space, and avoid the tired and trite. Our chief design officer has 25+ years experience with a masters in design, too. Our head digital designer is an expert in UI/UX and no stranger to Figma.



With decades of experience, we know how to produce and commercialize your imagery, content, website, and key deliverables. Our teams of years of experience in print production, digital production, site optimization, image optimization, trade show production, investor presentation templates, brochure creation, and more. Delivering on time and on budget is one of our core competencies, too.


With personality maps from Carl Jung, we build human-like brands.

Creator? Magician? Hero? or Ruler? When companies understand the power of Carl Jung's brand archetypes, building brands becomes much simple and much more empowering. During our strategic deep dive, we build human-like brand personas for each and every company we work with. We create a brand IQ that embodies who you are, why you exist, and why it matters. If you don't stand for something, your brand voice falls for everything.